Schnitzer Group

Product development planning is based on a “zero-failures” approach. At the same time digital team communication and rapid technological changes in the production environment are placing growing demands on all of the parties. These factors can quickly turn projects into complex untertakings and augment the risk of failure in the project.

The Schnitzer Group is a globally operating, technical service provider. With our agil approach of “Systemic Projectmanagement” we pursue projects and their teams with strategical and operational creative ideas and unconventional suggestions. We combine projectmanagement with comprehensive technical knowledge and social competence. Our focus is on the project objective, despite of hierar- chical constraints and prevalent departmental thinking. We communicate and act diplomatically and technically versed. The result is a balanced, transparent and positive project atmosphere – the basis for our success.


Paradiesstraße 4
88239 Wangen im Allgäu

Phone:07552 707969-0

Internet: Website

Facts & Figures

DIN EN ISO 14001, DIN EN ISO 9001, ISO TS 16949 und
DIN EN 9100:2009
Luftfahrtindustrie,Automobilindustrie, Energietechnik, Hersteller von technisch anspruchsvollen Gebrauchsgütern