You’re Invited to PNAA ADVANCE/2021 – International Delegations
Nachstehend leiten wir gerne eine Einladung zur PNAA-Konferenz weiter.
„Hello from Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance,
Greetings from Seattle and I hope all is well with you during this very interesting year in aerospace. It has been a year filled with many changes, challenges and has been a time of many companies and organizations redefining their future. As we prepare for PNAA ADVANCE/2021, our upcoming 20th anniversary aerospace conference, we are considering the changing times and I am pleased to present the options below for International Delegations who are considering attending our conference this year.
First, this year you will have the option to either attend in-person, or for the first time, virtually through our hybrid conference. Secondly, we will once again this year extend early-bird, member pricing to any delegation with five or more attendees. This year, the in-person price will remain the same at $795 and our virtual option will be $495. We hope that you will consider joining us this February in Seattle, the largest and most diversified aerospace cluster in the U.S.
For those who have not attended previously, last year we had over 750 aerospace professionals, mostly key decision makers and executives, who came not only from the Pacific Northwest, but also over 30 states, 4 Canadian provinces and other countries from Europe and beyond, representing over 350 different aerospace companies. We had multiple exhibit halls, our SME technical track, annual B2B Fair, and awards banquet. The event takes flight Monday night before the conference at our International Reception. This year will be similar, and our B2B fair will go virtual this year and our exhibit hall may go virtual based on health guidance; we will have virtual exhibitors for this first time this year and virtual networking rooms, which will be highly interactive.
In the event that health regulations change and we are unable to hold the conference in person, we will move to a 100% virtual conference and have secured the most advanced virtual conference software to deliver an experience unrivalled to being in person. Currently, we are planning for the in-person hybrid conference.
We look forward to seeing you at PNAA ADVANCE 2021, February 8-11, 2021. I have attached information on the International delegations and our conference in general for you to share within your groups. You can learn more on our website. If you have any questions, please reach out to myself or to coordinate your delegation, please contact Merrie Beth Owens.
Thank you and all the best,
Brian Canfield
CEO and Executive Director
425-885-0290 x107 / /
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