BtoB Veranstaltung Aeronautics & Space Innovative Technology Summit (AITS)

Vom 22-24. September findet in Bremen das Aeronautics & Space Innovative Technology Summit (AITS) statt. Für LR BW-Mitglieder gibt es vergünstigte Konditionen.

Hier geht es zum Angebot 

Hier geht es zur Broschüre


AITS (Aeronautics & Space Innovative Technology Summit) is a 3-day event for the aerospace, space and defense industries focused on innovative technologies (including: advanced manufacturing, 3D printing / additive manufacturing, digital, robotics and automation).

Participation will include industry leaders and key technology players, institutions and innovators, and those in the development or interested in engaging in these technologies within their own company (whether vertical integration or supply of products and services).

You must sign up to attend. Two and a half weeks prior to the forum you’ll have to identify and request meetings with relevant contacts through our detailed online catalog.
Your approved meetings and those you have accepted (among the requests you received) will be pre-arranged on a schedule and held at in Bremen.

How does it work?

  1. Register online (available soon) for the business convention: fill out the form describing your company, the products, capabilities and services you offer.
    2. Three weeks before the event, you will have access to all the participants and can choose who you want to meet with.
    3. Taking into account the wishes of all participants, abe/BCI aerospace will schedule your business meetings and create a personalized meeting agenda taking place over a 2-day period.
    4. You attend the business convention, including business meetings and conferences.

Website (available soon)


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